How to humidify the environment without a humidifier

Excessive dryness and humidity inside the house is harmful to health, so we need to find a middle ground between the two. Especially in winter and in the interior. When the environment is very dry, there are various ways to increase the humidity of the air in the house, for this you can keep a bucket of water in the house, plant some trees in the house or open the door for bathing. There are ways to learn how to humidify the environment without a humidifier.

In this article we will tell you the best tips to moisturize the environment without a humidifier.

The World Health Organization has established that in areas with very dry climates, the ideal air humidity for health is 60%. If the humidity is less than 20%, it can cause eye irritation, nasal bleeding, dry skin and allergy crisis, especially in people with asthma or bronchitis.

Here are some tips to help you learn how to humidify your environment without a humidifier:

Keep a wet towel in the room

Spreading a damp towel on the back of a chair, headboard or footboard is a great way to humidify the air in your room. Remember not to wrap the towel as it will create an unpleasant odor.
Keep a bucket of boiling water in the room

This advice is good, half a bucket of water in the room is enough, to reduce the dry air as close to the head of the bed as possible and to breathe better at night. You can use a bucket of aromatherapy water and put 2 drops of essential oil Lavender in the water, this plant has properties that help you to calm down and relax.

Care should be taken not to use this technique in children’s homes, as hot water can cause burns, especially without parental or adult supervision.
Plant some trees in the house

Plants are a great humectant for the environment, mainly aquatic plants such as St. George’s Sword, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, and fern which improves air quality.

It is important to remember that plants need care, water until the soil is very wet and know whether the plants should be exposed to sun or shade.
Shower with door open

By keeping the bathroom door open and showering, you allow water vapor to dissipate into the air, moisturizing the environment and making the use of warm water more efficient. Bathing with hot water is more difficult in the summer, so a good strategy is to keep the shower running with hot water for a few minutes when the person is dry or wearing clothes.
Other tips on how to humidify the environment without a humidifier
Water your plants

How to moisturize the environment with plants without a humidifier

Did you know that plants transpires? Probably a factor as to why they’re doing so poorly. If the plants are watered, they will return the best percentage of moisture to keep your home air fresh and bright.

Plants have a small hole inside their leaves to work. When you water them, they carry water to the roots and these parts of the tree carry water to the holes.

The function of the pores is to release moisture and keep it in the room where it is located. That way, the house that has the tree will have more moisture than other places in your house. Any houseplant of your choice will work.
Fill the fish tank with water

Ambient humidity

If you have a large fish tank, it can help increase the humidity whether you have fish or not. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Turn it on and let the air come in contact with the water in the tank.

In addition to helping you, it can also help to enclose furniture and protect walls or furniture from lack of moisture.
Use vases

Fill the vase with water and place your desired flower. These will be responsible for doing the same with the tree. Other than that, these are decorative items that can make a house more beautiful.
Keep water close to the heat source

Do you have a radiator? To use the heat from your heater to humidify your home, simply place a glass of water next to it, or place it on top of the unit if you wish. This process slowly evaporates the water, and the vapor is responsible for adding moisture to the environment and preventing it from drying out.

The advantage of this method is that you will use heat to get your desired temperature, giving you a better level of humidity.
The kitchen

This is definitely one of the easiest options because cooking is something that we do every day. Cooking food like soup or cream or just boiling water will release moisture and make the environment less dry.
Hanging clothes in the house

To keep a clean look and avoid taking up too much space, most people hang their clothes outdoors. However, hanging wet clothes indoors can help to moisturize the environment. Also, you can keep the house wet with the detergent used.
Do not raise the temperature too much

If you keep the environment a little cooler you will get higher humidity, because turning on the heat is the number one cause of high temperature which leads to arid environment. Cover with a coat and blanket and avoid relying on these external heat sources to keep you warm.
Use an internal font

Finally, what to buy an indoor fountain

It may cost money but it can also help you decorate your home. These works of art come in a variety of sizes and designs, so you can choose the one that suits your tastes.

Best of all, you’ll be relieved to hear the sound of water falling, so you can benefit from decorating, relaxing and moisturizing through a product.

You can achieve good humidity in a short time by following a few steps, however, following a few steps at the same time will give your house the optimum humidity level in no time.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about how to moisturize the environment without a humidifier.

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