Criminals are increasingly looking to enter a password before stealing an Apple ID

Usually, everything starts with meeting the victim in a bar or night club. The scammer asks to show Snapchat or turn on the camera on the iPhone and observes the PIN code entered from the smartphone. Then the device is snatched from the hands or taken away by force.

After gaining physical access to the device and the PIN code from it, an attacker can change the Apple ID password, taking possession of all the information. The system also allows you to log out of the account on other devices, preventing the possibility of remote blocking through the “Locator” service.

Several victims told reporters that in this way the criminals gained access to banking applications and issued virtual credit cards in their names. Two-factor authentication via SMS does not create difficulties: one-time codes arrive on the same iPhone that is already in the hands of the attacker.

According to a retired New York Police Department detective interviewed by the WSJ, there have been “hundreds” of such crimes in the city over the past two years.

Apple representatives noted that the Apple ID password recovery system through a smartphone PIN code is designed to help users who have forgotten their password.


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