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Named 5 features that are sorely lacking in modern smartphones

Everyone sees how fast technologies are developing. First of all, this is noticeable on smartphones, because everyone uses them and constantly updates them. Undoubtedly, this device has now replaced more than half of the technology and continues to do so. If a person has a smartphone, then you can do without everything else. But despite this, there are still a few functions that should be added for even greater ease of use.

It would be very happy for many users if their smartphones had the ability not to fight. Do you remember how it was once impossible to damage an ordinary push-button telephone? At least drive nails with it, it is almost impossible to kill. With modern models, it’s a completely different story. It needs to be packed in a protective case and glass and this will not guarantee that you will not break it. Several companies, including Nokia and Samsung, are already working on a solution to this problem. They are thinking about making smartphones out of graphene material. Its peculiarity is that it is extremely strong. If the idea is really implemented and phones will be made from it, then no drop or damage will be terrible for such a device. That is why we are waiting for unkillable novelties.

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Quick authorization is another feature that is a bit lacking. Each of the owners of smartphones constantly goes somewhere with the help of a login and password. Sometimes this is time-consuming and annoying, so it would be nice to come up with something faster than constantly typing in your data. For example, you could access your profile using facial recognition. Similar technology to unlocking the smartphone itself. If you can unlock using a fingerprint, password or face, then why not do the same with authorization? Of course, there are many nuances to improve technology to implement this, but everything is possible.

High autonomy. It’s no secret that no matter what smartphone batteries are made, they don’t hold a charge for too long. Especially since people are constantly doing something on the phone: they work, sit in social networks, watch movies, talk, correspond. No battery can cope with such a large number of tasks. And if you use the same smartphone for a couple of years, it is quite possible that the battery will need to be replaced altogether. Samsung has long since started doing experiments to make batteries from the same graphene, which was already mentioned above, but so far there are no results of their inventions. Hopefully this problem will be solved soon and we won’t have to carry chargers around.

Electronic sevens. This function is already available, but not in all phones. If you have a new expensive model, then you can not buy a physical SIM card, but create an electronic one. Over time, this function will be in absolutely all models and will be very convenient. Everyone will be able to switch between operators without buying a card in a store. By the way, you won’t have to go to a salon and buy a card from their operator abroad either, with electronic SIM cards it can be done remotely in every country in the world.

Wireless charging. “It already exists” – you will think, but we are talking about something completely different. The fact is that now there are phones that connect to charging directly without a cable, but the charging base itself still comes with a cord to the socket. The innovation will be to create completely wireless devices. In fact, they say that soon it will be available and then phones will be charged anywhere almost from the air. Imagine this miracle. You will forget about a dead battery forever.

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So, no matter how many new features developers add to their phones, we will still want something more, and manufacturers will try to implement it to satisfy their customers and lead the market. Therefore, we expect that in a few years we will already be using completely different smartphones.


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