April 26, 2023 Horoscopes Feel ‘A Bit Negative’ For 3 Zodiac Signs

On April 26, 2023 three zodiac signs have rough horoscopes because life feels a bit negative. It’s hard to think of Jupiter as the bringer of anything but joyful expansion and open-minded generosity, however, on this day, April 26, 2023, Jupiter is put in the awkward situation of being square with the Moon. The transit, Moon square Jupiter, tends to put us in touch with our struggles. Today is the day we may spend a little too much time either feeling sorry for ourselves or overshooting our abilities. We are either over-confident in all the wrong ways, or we are neurotic messes who believe very little in ourselves.

This is an interesting transit as it stirs up the negativity we have … towards ourselves. That is how this day goes wrong for many, especially for the three zodiac signs in particular. What goes wrong today is that we overdo everything. We make promises that we know ahead of time we can’t keep, we lack any kind of discipline and end up paying the price for our arrogance and we act on impulse; as if that could ever make things better.

We might get it into our minds today that if we just take a leap of faith, without thinking things through, we might have it all solved. We believe not thinking things through is somehow the better choice. Heads up: it’s not. Today, April 26, 2023, is a day when we have to concentrate before making a decision, so having a transit like Moon square Jupiter is pretty bad news.

Some of us will escape the clutches of impulsive behavior and reckless action … those who will ‘live to tell’ are not the zodiac signs mentioned here today. However, many of us are on a course for certain disasters and it’s all because, during Moon Square Jupiter, we can’t stop ourselves.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Ask For What They Need In Love On April 26, 2023

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